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Top WFN Warrior June
This months WFN Warrior is Stephanie Smith! Stephanie has been with Warrior Fit Nutrition since March of 2022 and has made huge strides! Stephanie is a Warrior not only in the gym but outside as well! Stephanie works as an emergency responder with Rubicon for disaster relief.
Thank you Stephanie for all you do!! “My name is Stefanie but most people on Social Media know me as Smith or Kuntrigrl864. I've been into sports & fitness since middle school (1994) playing volleyball, running track, Playing basketball and lifting weights. In 2005 I decided to join the USAF where fitness was still a priority but after a few injuries and being separated in 2010 I started packing on the pounds due to depression. I had to learn all over again how to workout despite my disabilities. There have been multiple attempts in the last 12 years to be healthy, fit and muscular but learning what I can & can't do with weights/running/jumping has been a challenge & has given me several set backs. I also don't eat a lot of meat so nutrition wise I wasn't getting enough protein to achieve the muscles I wanted. In 2022 I discovered Warrior Fit Nutrition and started using the Ruck Up, Generation Gains and Rest / Recovery. The results have truly been amazing! In the past 6 months I have lost almost 30lbs but packed on muscle and I'm finally achieving my goals! I work with a disaster response, non profit organization called Team Rubicon so being & staying fit is important to our mission.”